Beginning, middle and
A poem is finished
when it resolves itself in some way–
as quick as a line
drawn against a wall
or as long as evil itself–
a story is finished
when its arc lands home–
when the villains are neutralised
and the heroes recognised.
I will keep adding to this poem
I swear
every day
there is more to add
and you must keep it up when I’m no longer
able. Swear,
because this time I’m really scared
it might never be finished
but at least we’ve started towards an
in memory of Refaat Alareer
Roy Duffield has written more poems you can read in Feminist Review, Nashville Review, Ink Sweat & Tears, Lucent Dreaming, and other publications with a conscience. He is proud to have taken part in Pamenar Press’s recent Global Reading in Solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon. Roy is the author of one collection, Bacchus Against the Wall (Anxiety, 2023) and volunteers to help edit at several literary journals and presses.