it was in the middle of night
middle of dying houses slept
we did not sleep it was not
dark it was not dark
memory not so much a plow
not the fierce direction into
the layered ground but light’s
refraction light’s breaking
we surround the hole of the
room of dying of her mouth
the hole of clear air portal
of waiting watching the hole
breaking against one bright
surface alighting on others
on leaf and on face on
water gray as a breastplate
oxygen the instruments of
medical measure ministered
below the dresser’s figurine
Mary dress pink as a mouth
breaking against one daughter
taking a pulse one praying in
a corner in the breath’s
duration in the indrawn span
to see it simply as lost blood
pressure breath’s cessation
one unreleased gasp to see it
as body parting with function
her face a fall leaf parchment
I am writing her face a love
I am writing a parchment love
the parchment I am writing
breaking against the huddle of
us the scatter of us in her room
in other rooms trailing news
of the one the one breathing
and no alarm in the arrival
something like a cheer going up
among us the accomplishment
of the arrival cheer and wailing
memory not so much catching
as caught in the labyrinth
designed like a thumb’s whorls
caught while in wonder’s order
then there was the speck they
saw in the room the green
live contraption contriving grief
the grief green in December 
Rick Barot is author of The Darker Fall, (2002, Sarabande Books). His work has appeared in numerous publications, including The Virginia Quarterly Review, The New Republic, The Paris Review, Poetry, and The Threepenny Review. His second book, Want, is forthcoming from Sarabande Books in 2008. He teaches at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma and in the Warren Wilson Program for Writers in North Carolina.