tensor: singing backwards
We imported wooden clothespins from Sweden.
Trifles, playthings
Of all—nearly half here, in memory
of little comfort for
white linen from a thousand lines, & mind
the mind, partitioned as it is,
starts, rushes through (she is just on the other side)
by disbelief:
a momentum: stirring & the long rows
new dead are arranged in,
multiplying. A frantic reach—
under pines, the resulting lacework
one flapping sheet & tangled loose
the sun made itself
by a grip (as in a mesh, vertical)—some fall,
a failure. 
Lauren Caldwell writes a number of poems with math in them. These days she also collaborates with her computer, as both of them have an unhealthy obsession with Markov chains; they are currently working on a series of poems about prophets, as well as a little story about musicians. Her work has also been published in DIAGRAM.
Emily Rosko is the author of Raw Goods Inventory (U. Iowa Press, 2006). Poems are currently in The Denver Quarterly, The Laurel Review, and Shenandoah, and are forthcoming in CutBank and Pleiades.