archives spring 2008



The First Prominent Symbol Intones Suggestions for Further Reading

There’s nothing like the present, like the president, like a precedent leaking
in analog its continuous signal. Life on Capitol Hill is ruinous! cries the paper.
Torn to pieces, tossed into the Nile, voted mostly likely to forget music, all news
like a blind dervish in the doorway tuning one’s attention. Neon light littering

our film noir in white music behind a blue naturalist’s gray voiceover. Too many
ideas destroy the image as always, & sickly from birth Hildegard von Bingen
calls you a cross within the world or the world is your careless happy cross.


Obliterating History in the Pleasure of Holding Forth

A first line is reason enough for a second, for a segment, unisexual & solitary
as an organ. Our doctor operates a mechanism & calls it anatomy. Our dancer
operates in music, which is the same. Whorled, lance-shaped leaves smear
the window. Windy instrument. Windy agency. Active principles everywhere

charging inertia. The syntactic proposition rests a harmonious unified totality on a
reupholstered couch. Smash the shell to bits so you can hear the ocean in this lime.


Hold Together with a Stitch the Whole of Causality

I could have been a contender, or, tender as a helicopter, I could have set
afloat adrift this bed and its contortive aspirations, moving all afternoon
between black and white music. You turn to the dictionary of literary terms
by mistake. Relative bodies, resting bodies, entire arms erased. A metronome

calls out colorless death to any future metaphysicians in our digital world. 


Noah Eli Gordon lives in Denver.