archives fall 2008



This issue marks diode’s first anniversary. We would like to take this space to thank all those who have made it possible.

We thank the poets who represent the first year of diode:
Chris Abani, Gennady Aygi,  Rick Barot, Sheila Black, Daniel Borzutzky, Kurt Brown,  Blake Butler, Lauren Caldwell, Liz Canfield, Christophe Casamassima, Andrea Cohen, Julia Cohen, Adam Clay, Rebecca Cook, Philip Dacey, J. P. Dancing Bear, Kathy Davis,  Julie Doxsee,  Frankie Drayus, Tarfia Faizullah, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Emily Kendal Frey, Suzanne Frischkorn, Richard Garcia, Rigoberto González, Brent Goodman, Noah Eli Gordon, Arpine Konyalian Grenier,  Matthew Guenette, Paul Guest, Anne Heide, Bob Hicok, Amy King, Patrick Lawler, Sueyeun Juliette Lee, Sandy Longhorn, Éireann Lorsung, Rebecca Loudon, Bobbi Lurie, Khaled Mattawa, Laura McCullough, Didi Menendez, Keith Montesano, Tara Moyle, Rich Murphy, Amjad Nasser, Sea S. Perez, Jon Pineda, The Pines, Eve Rifkah, Emily Rosko, Rob Schlegel, Zachary Schomburg, Steven D. Schroeder, Karen Schubert, Peter Jay Shippy, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Mathias Svalina, Jeffrey Thomson, Matthew Thorburn, Allison Titus, Sarah Valentine, Alexis Vergalla, Joshua Ware, Joe Wilkins, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Susan Settlemyre Williams, Matthew Wills, and Jake Adam York.

We thank those who have graciously and generously contributed to what we think is an exceptional issue to mark our first anniversary:
Kazim Ali, Maureen Alsop, Abayomi Animashaun, Rane Arroyo, Sheila Black, Elena Karina Byrne, Juliet Cook, DJ Dolack, Susan Elbe, Noah Falck, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Leslie Harrison, Sean Patrick Hill, Dan Kaplan, Dorothea Lasky, Dorianne Laux, Caleb Puckett, Doug Ramspeck, Lee Ann Roripaugh, Justin Taylor, G. C. Waldrep, Yun Wang, Susan Settlemyre Williams, and David Michael Wolach.

We thank the administration of VCUQatar for its support and enthusiasm.

And finally, we thank you, our readers who have come to us from all over the globe. We hope you have enjoyed the first year of diode and will continue to visit us in the years ahead.