Sebaceous a Poetics
little currency here,
edge of a surface ‘pataphysics once called
calculated fictions
lichen holds
to coffee
crows feet
witness rails twisting from monongha
(candles remain in drawers tonight)
baffled the
undertow, such places
epithelial, epiself the
whorl, self-regulation
places, places
such as where
the pigeons vanish
from Scripto-Erratum
bird flies straight
laces open tone open
fifth sentence a stroll through
central park then fifth
avenue curl of an empty february sycamore
wrote zhang er journalogging
correspond sentencing to now
hear tracing evident
steps back “home” echo chamber
music schubert’s trio steels a sill in february
desk at window a d a minor thought
flew off leaving this letter sharp feather
alabaster sent
ence essence lessens
catastrophe apostrophe
missing remissing re
scind s/he said re wrote went
moved dyed re covered re
moved from premises
premise important later
capital letters arrive later
after ours waiting
end full stop period reseal
begin again seed inert
Noteology Liminal Behaviors
to Thalia Field
the woman might be mad
formula this trapeze
(A) a clacking
a clanking
obedient not is,
(B) behind blinds zebra finches
(C) collect on a pain
(D) DIFF FUNCTION reads (E) epitaph
(F) FUNCTION OF THE SIGN (enthrallment with le t t e r s)
(G) grave is not a place
(H) hands (I) igniting batons & glass circus orbs
for get a n
obedient is:
obsessions paddling
spurious rivers
the woman might be mad
contropasto when stoned
contra- position
O the raving
O the ravens
her tight skin
wrapping bone
her best clothes
waiting a notice
her tightrope pulling
no farce
no satire
battalion of [telephone] voices—NO
If my hand an island and what
idle chitchat does not pertain to the edge, the rail, the lip of crater. Idle chitchat goes in one ear and sticks in that ear, stays there balled up with the wax and lint and cilia and water and incubating dangerous cells, the other ear does this as well, the two never meet when it comes to idle chitchat, the two never connect to the BRAIN either, yours, his, ours, oars, his, your stain reserved for
—Why is that so? Is not this idle chitchat?
—This is idle chitchat; and yet it is not. It would be but we are running out of, we
are approaching the [ ] end of one and beginning of another, the end of one, the beginning of another. So there are exemptions. You can see if you were six hundred feet or taller the end of this ISLAND, that place where earth gives way to a parabolic aluminum structure, this structure to the bay, the bay to structure. The bay. The
—Are you music?
—I am not music
—But if you were music, would you sound like this?
—I would sound different; I could be music, I could close my eyes and become music, but
your ears would bleed you would become deaf. Here the ears are favored over all things they burn with intensity, their powers infinitely more acute. Have you not recognized that burning with each crackle of things?
—I have
—Please tell me, as the eyes will grow dim and the question will soon be lost, what is it what, in this case, please, what is in your hand? 
David Michael Wolach is the author of Fractions of M (Trainwreck), The Transcendental Insect Reader (Stormy Petrel), and Acts of Art/Works of Violence (SSLA, University of Sydney). His work has appeared this year or is forthcoming from Admit 2, Night Train, The Concelebratory Shoehorn Review, The Duplications, AB OVO, Ghoti, PRESS 1, and elsewhere. Originally from Detroit, he teaches writing, literary theory, and philosophy at The Evergreen State College. Wolach currently teaches as a visiting poet in Bard College’s Language & Thinking program and is editor of Wheelhouse Magazine.