The articles featured photographs of the top-secret aircraft that was at the root of UFO reports. The policeman told me to recite the alphabet backwards from Q to D and I could, so I knew I was drunk. We need to tinker with the memory machine. The first thing the patient remembered was that he didn’t know who he was. She asked if I was frightened of uncertainty, and I was too scared to admit I never thought about it. “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow”—Helen Keller said that.
“Where did the spoon go?” he asked, so we knew his focus had changed at least twice. If I start counting with my thumb as one, I often make it to six before I reach my little finger. You don’t really understand the whole concept of April air getting cooler as we go up the mountain, do you: I mean, oh, we’re going back in time? Crossing South Georgia, Shackleton and his two crew members thought there were four in their group. The portrait was so intimate, I didn’t recognize myself.
The first thing I get from the bottle of vitamins is the coupon for the next bottle. You know you’re in the country when you step outside and cast only one shadow. I did some stretches first, because I was going to be sitting down for several hours. Yes, Mark Rothko said, I am watching paint dry. The sun is yellow and its light mostly white: I’m not sure the cosmic egg has actually cracked yet. She could be counted on to say, “That is so random.”
I’d be surprised if someone named Bear hadn’t seen Gremlins at least five times. “That it is able to be returned to makes something’s existence more probable.” He said it wasn’t a hair; it was a special spice. I had to agree with him. It was the best tasting hair I ever ate. My itchy ankles distracted me from my existential crisis. I read about it in the super-secret lost book of lost super-secrets I bought at Barnes and Noble. 
Mark Cunningham has published three books: 80 Beetle, from Otoliths; Body Language, from Tarpaulin Sky Press; and 71 Leaves, an ebook from BlazeVox.